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Lost in the Seas of Lyrics

A collection of my favorite lyrics I’ve written to songs that never found their home

As any songwriter could tell you, the list of songs that go unfinished is often longer than the collection of songs that reach their debut.

It’s not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, I think it is inherently part of the therapeutic process of what songwriting even means.

When I sit down to write a song, no one is forcing me to put words and melodies together with paper and pen.

Although it tends to come differently every time, the foundation of why a song comes to me in the first place is simply because my heart incessantly continues to tell my mind what it feels until I get it out of my system.

Caught browsing through my favorite guitar shop in New York City, Rudy’s Music, I am living the dream having this many guitars at my fingertips.​

Songwriting is solely the most important thing I’ve ever done to make something out of the experiences I’ve had as a growing person, but that also means that some of my favorite lyrics have gotten quite lost in the song that never made it anywhere.

The songs in which the following lyrics originated from may not have attributed enough inspiration to be completed, but that doesn’t mean the words I conjured up don’t still hold their grip in the depths of my heart.

Here are some of my most treasured, lost but not forgotten original lyrics:

“The stars are aligning in ways that won’t allow me to do anything but miss you.”

“You’ll never understand how slowly time moves when you’re broken.”

“You took all I had, and then you fled like a bullet from a smoking gun.”

“Having love shouldn’t feel the way it all did. Both being together and apart alike shouldn’t feel like living in the torrential rain that wiped away any chance of a clean break.”

“In the end, there is no winner.”

“The echo of his name in the background of every beat my heart will make parallels with my needing him to live with how he bled me dry.”

“The right people fell in love at the wrong time.”

“Lingering limbs lasted for hours, as if they didn’t even know they were doing so.”

“In a blanket of you, I couldn’t imagine any other world where we were anywhere else.”

“Happiness lives in our fleeting moment of togetherness, knowingly so like a dying rose.”


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